Do you have damaged or missing teeth in Bellevue, Washington? Don’t settle for a smile that doesn’t function optimally. At Cosmos Dentistry, we offer advanced restorative services to rebuild your smile. So, whether you want to restore your smile after tooth loss or damage, no job is too complex for Dr. Tokiko Poppe and the […]
If you have a simple dental problem like a chipped tooth or a cavity, restorative solutions like cavity treatments or bonding may do the trick. However, at Cosmos Dentistry, Dr. Tokiko Poppe encounters many patients with dental problems that are hard to pinpoint, warranting complex restorative dentistry. If you have a tongue tie, chronic jaw […]
While we all strive to have a perfect smile, some situations can occur that might need special attention. Some patients are born with misaligned teeth, while others might naturally have more yellow teeth. Dr. Tokiko Poppe of Cosmos Dentistry in Bellevue, Washington, understands that many patients aim to restore their smile, especially if they have experienced damage to or the loss of teeth […]